• August


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    12 Hot Interior Hues for Summer 2016

    12 Hot Interior Hues for Summer 2016

    Summer is a great time to refresh your walls with a new coat of paint. The warmer weather provides you ample outdoor activities while your walls are getting painted. And, you can let the fumes air out with the summer breeze just by opening your windows! Looking for just the right pop of color to

    • July


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    How To Improve Your Commercial Property

    How To Improve Your Commercial Property

    Imagine showing up for your first appointment with a service provider and only to be met with a dingy, rusty or a dark building exterior. Whether it is your dentist, your gym, your lawyer or otherwise, the aesthetic facade of the exterior of any commercial office or retail store has a huge influence on a

    • June


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    The Meaning Behind Your Paint Colours

    The Meaning Behind Your Paint Colours

    Feng Shui is an Eastern system of thought that designs, colours and arranges surroundings based on finding the ideal balance of yin and yang. Through harmonious orientation with the flow of energy in designing homes and buildings, qi or energy is said to bring good fortune. Many cultures and people believe that this practice is

    • June


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    Top Five Reasons to Choose Ottawa Precision Painting

    Top Five Reasons to Choose Ottawa Precision Painting

    Making the decision to renovate and revitalize your home is hard enough, choosing your paint service provider shouldn’t be. Welcome to Precision Painting, home of Ottawa’s best painters, visionaries and value. With decades of experience in both residential painting and commercial painting services, Precision Painting in Ottawa is a one-stop shop for all of your

    • May


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    Useful Painting Tips We Practice

    Useful Painting Tips We Practice

    We’ve got you covered! Here are some painting tips we incorporate in our jobs to ensure the most professional results. 1-Move Furniture Yes this can be tedious and annoying, but it will save you in the long run. Moving furniture out of the room gives you peace of mind if you accidentally have a spill.