The Meaning Behind Your Paint Colours
Feng Shui is an Eastern system of thought that designs, colours and arranges surroundings based on finding the ideal balance of yin and yang. Through harmonious orientation with the flow of energy in designing homes and buildings, qi or energy is said to bring good fortune. Many cultures and people believe that this practice is useful in the selection of colours for your home. It is inevitable that deciding to paint your house comes with a slew of big decisions, the biggest choice often being what paint colour to choose. We have watched clients spend hours deciding which colour suits which room, then frantically scouring every single shade of that colour and getting lost in the 1500+ colours that many paint stores present for painting options.
Understanding the power and energy behind certain colours can transform this complicated process into a more logical decision making experience. Whether you are seeking a classic, bold, modern, polished, rustic, elegance, heritage or cheerful look to your home, certain colour schemes can create the intended energy. Check out our personal favourite colour choices for the many rooms in your home below.
Lavender and neutral hues induce a sense of calmness, contemplation and stillness. These colors are ideal for rooms intended to promote sleep, rest or spirituality. Choose the right hue, and you will peacefully fall asleep every night. If your bedroom is less about sleeping and more about passion, the colour red, associated with the element of fire, will increase your heart rate, breath and blood pressure, inspire activity and help to reduce depression. The colour red represents luck and happiness in China and in India it is the colour of marriage. In the West, red symbolizes passion, love and affection.
White and metallic shades are connected with the element of metal and said to support purification and cleansing, making it the perfect colour for the room where you do your bathing and washing.
Living Room
Connected with the element of water, the colours blue and black are known to slow down the heart rate, relax the breath and reduce blood pressure, while inspiring a sense of calming, contemplative and reflective energy. Colouring your living room walls these hues can arouse both creative and meditative energy.
Green and turquoise hues are connected to the elements of wood and water and can heighten inner and outer growth. Green represents renewal and health, making it the ideal colour for a room where personal development, movement, expansion and development happen.
Yellow is linked with earth energy. It’s uplifting energy embodies this element of cheer, nurturing and nourishment that we associate with mother earth. Yellow is said to invoke a sense of focus, stability and clarity. It is perfectly suited to your cooking area where you focus on creation of nourishing foods to nurture you and your families’ bodies and minds.
Whether you are painting your own home, or strategically painting your office, decades of knowledge has shown that the colour you choose influences your mood. Are you looking to transform the colour of your home, office or retail space?
Contact our team at Precision Painting in Ottawa today at 613-286-6938 or visit us online here.